
Utilising over a thousand terrestrial AIS stations worldwide, our AIS network adds a great value to people in the marine industry and help customers find the needed solution through our AIS vessel database. Enhanced with Voyage-related and Master data, Port Calls and much more information, the AIS API will get your business to the next level.

Our AIS API returns one or more of the following datasets depending on the queried method. Data response is in JSON (default) or XML format.

API Methods / Credits

Method Description Default dataset AIS Voyage Master PortCall
Vessels Data for one or more vessels AIS 1 credit / 5 credits** 1 credit 2 credits -
VesselsList Data for a predefined list of vessels AIS Yes* Yes* Yes* -
LiveData All vessels in a predefined area AIS Yes* Yes* Yes* -
PortCalls Arrivals/departures for a port or vessel PortCall 1 credit 1 credit - 2 credits
ExpectedArrivals Expected Arrivals for a selected port AIS 5 credits 1 credit 2 credits -
MasterData Vessel particulars for one or more vessels Master - - 3 credits -

(*) VesselsList and LiveData are subscription based methods for a flat fee per month/year.

(**) The price of AIS dataset depends on the requested data source (Terristrial or Satellite AIS)

API Response Datasets

Dataset Content
AIS Coordinates, course, speed, heading, navigation status, current draught, destination, ETA and static vessel data
Voyage Previous port/country and time of departure
Master IMO, name, flag, type year of build, builder, owner / manager, dimensions, maximum draught, gross tonnage, net tonnage, deadweight, TEU, crude capacity
PortCall Port, country, date/time and type of the event (arrival/departure)

Credit Prices

Credits Price (EUR) Credits Price (EUR)
100 5.00 300 13.00
1,000 40.00 3,000 110.00
10,000 330.00 30,000 900.00