Our team has developed an API wrapper for all API methods. The wrapper is developed in PHP and Python. It is open-source and available at GitHub.
Here are two examples of how easy it is to use the VesselFinder API with the wrapper implementation:
from vesselfinder_api import VesselFinderApi
from vesselfinder_api.exceptions import ApiErrorException
v = VesselFinderApi(userkey='-- Input your userkey here --', errormode=False, save_last_info=True)
print(v.vessels(imo=[9228801,9441271], mmsi=227441980))
except ApiErrorException as e:
include __DIR__ . '/../VesselFinderApi.php';
use API\VesselFinderApi;
$client = new VesselFinderApi('-- Input your userkey here --');
try {
$vessels = $client->vessels([9228801,9441271], 227441980);
} catch (\Exceptions\ApiErrorException $e) {
print_r($e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL);